Beta 42

Research and Development


PowerShell - Executing Commands in Groups

In traditional batch files, you can use && to execute a second command only if the first one worked. In PowerShell, the same can be achieved by using the try/catch construct.

You just need to know some little tricks. Take a look at this:

try {
    # commands follow
catch {}

Now, if you want to execute a group of command and abort everything once an error occurs, simply place the commands inside the try block. If the commands are native console commands, add a 2>&1 to each command.

try {
  net user nonexistent 2>&1   # this raises an error
  ipconfig 2>&1               # this will not execute due to the previous error
catch {}

Try and replace nonexistent with an existing local user account such as Administrator, and you'll see that ipconfig will execute.