Research and Development
PowerShell can respond to system events such as locking or unlocking a session. Here is a fun sample.
Provided you have your sound card turned on, your computer will say good-bye when you press WIN+L and welcome you back when you log on again.
function Start-Fun {
$null = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject (\[Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents\]) -EventName "SessionSwitch" -Action {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech
$synthesizer = New-Object -TypeName System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
switch($event.SourceEventArgs.Reason) {
'SessionLock' { $synthesizer.Speak("See you later $env:username!") }
'SessionUnlock' { $synthesizer.Speak("Hey, welcome back $env:username!") }
function End-Fun {
$events = Get-EventSubscriber | Where-Object { $\_.SourceObject -eq \[Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents\] }
$jobs = $events | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Action
$events | Unregister-Event
$jobs | Remove-Job