Research and Development
This will not hide drive letters but prohibit access to drive content. You need administrative privileges to set this setting.
function Hide-DriveContent {
$key = @{
Path = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer'
Name = 'NoViewOnDrive'
if ($DriveLetter -eq $null) {
Remove-ItemProperty @key
} else {
$mask = 0
$DriveLetter |
ForEach-Object { $_.toUpper()[0] } |
Sort-Object |
ForEach-Object { $mask += [Math]::Pow(2,(([Byte]$_) -65)) }
Set-ItemProperty @key -Value $mask -type DWORD
Use the function like so:
PS> Hide-DriveContent D,Z # prohibits access to drives D: and Z:
PS> Hide-DriveContent # removes all restrictions
Log off and on again, or kill explorer.exe
for changes to take effect.