Research and Development
Ever wanted to display a dialog box from PowerShell rather than spitting out console text?
Try the following function:
function Show-MsgBox {
[String]$Title = 'Message',
$Icon = 'YesNo,Information'
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'Microsoft.VisualBasic'
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox($text, $icon, $title)
It is really easy to use: simply tell it what to display:
Show-MsgBox -Text 'Reboot system?' -Title 'Warning' -Icon 'YesNoCancel,Question'
And this makes it a useful function:
$result = Show-MsgBox -Text 'Reboot system?' -Title 'Warning' -Icon 'YesNoCancel,Question'
if ($result -eq 'Yes') {
Restart-Computer -Force