Setup Apache Virtual Hosts
The term Virtual Host refers to the practice of running more than one web site on a single machine. Virtual hosts can be IP-based or name-based.
Research and Development
The term Virtual Host refers to the practice of running more than one web site on a single machine. Virtual hosts can be IP-based or name-based.
Let’s Encrypt is a Certificate Authority (CA) that provides an easy way to obtain and install free TLS/SSL certificates, thereby enabling encrypted HTTPS on web servers.
A LAMP stack can easily host a WordPress site, after some prerequisites have been met.
There are situations when you want to send data using POST to a URL, either local or remote. Why would you want to do this?
Putting dynamic content inside a table cell can be challenging sometimes, especially if the content is a picture of unknown size and it is required by design to put a custom cell background to fit the picture, like a frame.
RSS as an acronym has stood for various things, but the current standard is Really Simple Syndication. This is the most recent variation of this very common and very useful standard.
Most sites on the Internet have common design elements that do not change from page to page. Usually, only content or minor navigational cues vary.
If your website is being overwhelmed with spam, automatic registrations, automatic forum or classified ad submissions etc., you can solve this problem by introducing a picture in your HTML forms that only a human can recognize.