Beta 42

Research and Development


Mac OS X - Symbolic Links

If you've ever made an Alias to a file in classic Mac OS, or a Shortcut to a file in Windows, you will easily be able to understand the UNIX equivalent.

Using LinkedIn for Your Jobsearch

Here are the tips to help use LinkedIn to find a job. If you know someone who’s looking for a job, forward them these tips along with an invitation to connect on LinkedIn.

LAMP Howto

LAMP is an acronym denoting one of the most common software stacks for many of the web's most popular applications. However, LAMP now refers to a generic software stack model and its components are largely interchangeable.

Resizable Cell Background Image with PHP

Putting dynamic content inside a table cell can be challenging sometimes, especially if the content is a picture of unknown size and it is required by design to put a custom cell background to fit the picture, like a frame.