Encrypt USB Drive
Encrypt USB drive on Linux box using cryptsetup utility.
Research and Development
Encrypt USB drive on Linux box using cryptsetup utility.
There is a small trick to fine-tune the configuration of your monitors to achieve the desired look and feel at login.
Bash shell uses a startup file to set up the environment. The file determines certain Bash shell configurations for the shell itself and system users.
On Ubuntu or Ubuntu Linux-based systems, it is easy to list all application packages installed in a command line application in Terminal.
Create encrypted TAR archive on Linux.
The term Virtual Host refers to the practice of running more than one web site on a single machine. Virtual hosts can be IP-based or name-based.
A simple one-liner script to check the sizes of all MySQL databases.
On Ubuntu, the system’s timezone is set during the install, but it can be easily changed at a later time.
Manage UFW firewall on Linux box.
Let’s Encrypt is a Certificate Authority (CA) that provides an easy way to obtain and install free TLS/SSL certificates, thereby enabling encrypted HTTPS on web servers.